Red Bull.

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Red Bull.

  • Size: 30,000 sq ft.
  • Location: West London
  • Type of Project: CAT B
  • Sector: Media
  • Submarket: West End
  • Landlord / Tenant: Tenant

6 weeks design development.
18 weeks construction phase.


Dthree Studio were appointed by the global giant, to create an impressive and memorable London Head Quarters for their business and people to thrive in. The new HQ had to reflect the brand and portray not just the iconic energy drink, but the ethos of Red Bull as a whole. The  brand is so much more than the can of Red Bull that initially springs to mind. This complex and fascinating business supports and invests in truly remarkable athletes, artists, and charities. It was essential to the brief that the space could both support this, as well as grow with it.


As part of the design process the entire Dthree project team spent time in the Red Bull office, working across different parts of the building to observe and understand first-hand the genuine Red Bull feeling. The Red Bull management and leadership teams provided an overall umbrella brief. Dthree then set about engaging with Red Bull department champions, which played a pivotal role in the process.

Red Bull didn’t necessarily want the whole place to be branded; it wasn’t about shouting about the fact that Red Bull had arrived. Instead they wanted the space to land in the area, and for their presences to be spread by word of mouth. The challenge of this led to some clever and creative design features that really imprint the Red Bull brand on the subconscious.

Visitors invited to wait on the fourth-floor landing area get a subtle view of the office space through a slatted timber design. The significance? It’s all based on the rhombus image on a Red Bull can. Another subtle nod to the brand is by way of a specially-designed bleacher that wraps around the corner space of the room – the side edge of which is at the exact same 12.7-degree angle as the Red Bull rhombus.


The new space offers a variety of working areas which are suitable for anything from individual working, team meetings and whole company presentations, through to live music events and gaming exhibitions.

The flow of the office, offers a truly connected space, both horizontally and vertically, providing employees with fluid movement, accessibility and a feeling of cultural connectedness.

The result has been a workspace that is immeasurably more flexible than their previous office, whilst reflecting the ethos and energy of the Red Bull brand. With this approach, Dthree and Red Bull have created as close to an office space with wings that you’ll find.